Kids in Kayaks Program Wraps Up Another Successful Year!

Photo courtesy of Baltimore City Recreation and Parks

The Kids in Kayaks Program in Baltimore City, sponsored by Baltimore City Recreation and Parks, welcomes six Baltimore City Public Schools during the spring and fall semesters each year to engage nearly five hundred 8th graders in paddling and land stations to learn about the urban resource in their backyard-Middle Branch Park. Whether observing waterfowl from a kayak, catching fish and insects, or testing water clarity, students have a unique opportunity to learn about Baltimore’s history and the environmental issues in their communities through outdoor recreation and instills in them a stewardship ethic to protect this resource for future generations. Furthermore, the program has been recognized with the following awards to include:

-Organization Partner of the Year 2015- Baltimore City Recreation and Parks given from the Baltimore National Heritage Area
-The Maryland Recreation and Parks Association, “Creative Programming Award”-Baltimore City Recreation and Parks (2017 & 2018)
- The Maryland Recreation and Parks Association, “Writing, Research or Audio Visual Award (Specialty Award).” -Chesapeake Bay Program (video-2017)
-Education Partner of the year 2018- Kirsten Perry, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks given from the Baltimore National Heritage Area
-National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials, program award 2018- Kids in Kayaks, Baltimore City Recreation and Parks

The program will pick back up on April 5th, 2019. Be sure to check out the Kids in Kayaks Promo Video here!